OSAA Calendar for NEHS Sports
![Register Here!](https://files.smartsites.parentsquare.com/3398/img_pd_112022_d5hu7u.png)
Before an athlete may practice:
- Athletes must have a current Sports Physical Form on file. Please attach both sides of the form to the athlete’s registration, or email it to Cesar Ocampo at ocampo@4j.lane.edu. If desired, you can schedule an appointment for a physical at either of the district’s two Health Centers located at North Eugene High School (541-790-4445) or Churchill High School (541-790-5227). Physical Examination Forms can be found here: English Español
- Complete registration for your sport on Final Forms
- Pay athletic registration fees at SCHOOL PAY
Coach Contacts:
Baseball – Kenny Niles
- niles_k@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 912-0851
Boys Basketball – Blake Gee
- gee_b@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 948-1656
Girls Basketball – Jacob Forte
- forte_j@4j.lane.edu
- (503) 298-7851
Cheer – Rebecca Critchett
- critchett_r@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 513-2729
Cross Country and Track & Field – Eric Peterson
- peterson_e@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 972-2047
Dance – Angie Huff
- huff_a@4j.lane.edu
- (503) 799-1952
Football – Rick Raish
- raish_r@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 520_5464
Golf – Shawn Brandt
- shawn@bourlandprinting.com
- (541) 912-1264
Boys Soccer – Iñaki Gonzalo San Milan
- gonzalosanmillan_i@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 743-3538
Girls Soccer – Brandy Wormdahl
- wormdahl@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 912-7244
Softball – Scott DeWitt
- scottrdewitt29@gmail.com
- (541) 954-4355
Swimming – Bill Kuzmer
- bkuz1594@comcast.net
- (541) 337-7119
Boys Tennis – Kevin Jones
- kjashbow@gmail.com
- (541) 4613798
Girls Tennis – Leanne Bedlion
- lovin4jesus@gmail.com
- (503) 302-8751
Volleyball – Tony Fuller
- fuller_to@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 554-6653
Wrestling – Tyler Conner
- conner_ty@4j.lane.edu
- (541) 281-7227
All participants must have proof of medical insurance. If you do not have access to insurance, Myers-Stevens offers athletic school insurance.